Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral in certain rocks and was widely used as a building material, specifically for roofing. However, with time, it was discovered that asbestos is potentially dangerous to humans’ respiratory health.
It was reported that these conditions, including asbestosis, non-cancerous lung disease, and mesothelioma, are incurable. Whether in the industrial or the residential setting, one must know how to identify asbestos and promptly begin the removal process. Here is how to do so.
The Age of the Building
Was your home built between the 1950s and the 1990s? If the answer is yes, there are chances that the roof is made of asbestos. They were common due to the fire-resistance and sturdy abilities. They are made from cement and can last for more than forty years.
They are typically shaped in squares and have a combination of grey and black colours. Consider your roof and home’s siding for any asbestos traces as these areas are vulnerable to asbestos fibres. Any old house should be checked for this mineral and have suitable remedial processes begun.
Send Sample to a Certified Asbestos Testing Lab
It can be a little overwhelming to identify asbestos with naked eyes. If you suspect that your home has asbestos, take a sample and send it to a certified asbestos testing lab to ascertain the minerals’ presence. They are knowledgeable and have the right equipment, testing kits, and tools to determine the asbestos’ levels in your premises.
You have higher chances of getting quality results with the professional testing done. Additionally, after the assessment, they will recommend expert asbestos removal services to help you prevent further damage to your property.
Identifying asbestos in the home is the first step in making the premises safe. As such, you should contact a reputable and accredited asbestos inspection and removal services for assistance.
Usually, these professionals will give you a quotation for the services and make your home safe for everyone! Once the removal is done, consider contacting firms like Multiform roofing to help you perform the main house roofing and garage roof replacement.